Who can offer games of chance?
Games of chance are games in which the outcome is mainly determined by chance. And where you have to wager money to be able to play. The offer is huge – whether in the casino, in the tobacco shop, in the betting shop or on the Internet like 인싸포커. But be careful: many offers are illegal!
Gambling is big, big money-making business. In order to ensure that everything goes well, games of chance may only be offered under certain conditions.
Casino games of chance such as roulette, poker and blackjack are only allowed in Austria’s casinos. If these games of chance are offered outside of the licensed casinos, they are illegal. Young people under the age of 18 are not allowed in casinos.
For various games such as lottery, toto, scratch cards, etc., an age limit of 16 years applies in the tobacco shops.
Sports betting
Sports betting is not legally anchored in Austria as a game of chance and is subject to trade regulations. Adolescents under the age of 18 are prohibited from entering into sports bets. Since sports betting is officially not a game of chance, it is not as strictly controlled, which is a problem.
Gambling on the internet
All games of chance are also offered on the Internet. In Austria, however, only the lottery provider is allowed to offer games of chance on the Internet.
Then why do you find thousands of sites on the internet to play on? These are from foreign providers and are illegal. You can play on these sites, but it is not certain whether you will receive the winnings. In addition, there is a risk that the stake and the game equipment will be confiscated in the course of criminal prosecution. You have to be at least 18 years old to play on this website. If the provider finds out that someone cheated on their age when logging in, the profit does not have to be paid out.
How about playing poker with friends?
Perhaps you have already asked yourself whether it is allowed to gamble with friends for money. The following applies to poker: In principle, private poker rounds are permitted.